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Is your body supported enough with arms and ammunition?

Awareness on our Immunity, Immunization and our Body's Resilience.

The immunity or our body’s defense mechanism can be compared to our National defense system. If our defense system (army, navy and air force) is strong, the country can fight any invasion from outside. This system should be supported with good arms and ammunition, and it should be upgraded timely isn’t? Irrespective of the type of invasion, the defense system should always be healthy, replenished for their daily administration, training and operations. Generally, a healthy country will never compromise their budget and support for their defense system. 

Very similarly, our body's defense is our 'Immunity system' . They have various army, navy men called different types of 'ANTIBODIES'. As and when, new attack of new virus arrives, the body is well equipped to train new set of antibodies to attack these virus mutants. They just need some time to recognize and get trained. Our body is the most complex machine on this planet, that each cell in the body is intelligent enough to recognize the invader and train the rest of the cells to get ready to attack the attacker.

Whenever there is a foreign invasion, a new type of invasion, the body will automatically upgrade itself with new antibodies, provided, the basic defense system of the body is protected and supported well with our healthy lifestyle, which includes our daily regime - eating, sleeping, exercise or active movement and emotions. When these are balanced well in the body, our defense mechanism works at its optimum. This means, all of us at our best attain our well-being.

A good digestive system improves immunity power. A stress- free life without emotional entanglements enhances boosts our immunity. An active life with full of action physically and mentally keeps our immunity agile. This means, a good physical and mental health is very necessary. A healthy mind in a healthy body determines the quality of our living. 

Thus, our Immunity health is the natural power or mechanism of the body to fight against any disease. 

We come across two type of invasions. One is external invasion like a terrorist attack. They are external attack from virus or bacteria or microbes. Those could be classified as 'Communicable disease' or 'Pandemic' or 'Infections' like the recent Covid, or previous virus or bacterial strains like Dengue, Influenza, Chicken pox, malaria, Typhoid,  etc. Today, we have additional arms and immunization to defend this such as Vaccines and antibiotics. This at least boosts our immunity - 'Immunization'.

The second, is internal invasion or 'auto-immune' where the body's own defense system revolts against the body. They are 'Non-communicable diseases' such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Psoriasis, IBS, Arthritis, etc. Here the body goes on strike for something within, which is not being kept in balance...your lifestyle! That's how they are also called 'Lifestyle Diseases'. They are progressive in nature. It is not that you had lots of sweets during Diwali, that the next day you were diagnosed as 'Diabetic'. They take time to progress and show up in your body.

Does Vaccine or antibiotics help? No! these are not an external attack of terrorists (virus or bacteria). These are internal attack of our own system. 

Now think logically. What is required to correct these non communicable it medicine or is it correcting your lifestyle? Correcting your immunity? 

To address both the invasions, the basic requirement is "our immunity power'. This has to be maintained well for the real power to fight.

If our immunity power is good, we can fight any health aliments from simple seasonal flu, cold, cough, running nose, head ache, fever etc. to powerful pandemic and various viral starins. Also, the body will be equipped enough to keep all the functions of vital organs in order. If our health is good, we can achieve anything. Thus Immunity power gives you good health, the most important factor for our body and soul. 

- Roopa Lakshmi, Founder and MD, WELLBEEING, Integrated Health Care services, Bangalore 


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