Till schooling level, father extends supporting role and thereafter, he takes the main responsibility of promoting education, settlement in profession and child's independent life. It is here, he creates a role for himself by taking a leadership role in laying a foundation for the career of the child by sacrifising his time, money and effort. He considers it as his life’s duty, for which he does not expect anything from his children. This is guided by the principles of the universal law. Implementation of this rule is guided by the ethics, sincerity, self-commitment, beliefs of different individuals though. Fathers’ commitment often goes unnoticed unlike mothers love. He balances his commitment to other members of his family, relatives, and friends, fellow human beings too. Quite often father may have to take the responsibilities with the support of mother to facilitate and execute his role. Involved fathers – especially biological fathers – bring positive benefits to their children that no other person is as likely to bring. They provide protection and economic support and are male role models. They have a parenting style that is significantly different from that of a mother and that difference is important in healthy child development.
Dads, for instance, play rougher and are more likely to encourage risk-taking. They provide kids with a broader diversity of social experiences. They also introduce them to a wider variety of methods of dealing with life. They tend to stress rules, justice, fairness, and duty in discipline. In this way, they teach children the objectivity and consequences of right and wrong. They give kids insight into the world of men. They prepare them for the challenges of life.
Fathers encourage competition, engendering independence, while mothers promote equity, creating a sense of security. Dads emphasize on conceptual communication, which helps kids expand their vocabulary and intellectual capacities.
Thus Dad’s contribution to the lives of his kids has significantly different parenting style. Men and women are different. As a result mothers and fathers parent their children differently. While fathers tend to show the child in relation to the rest of the world. Moms tend to see the rest of the world in relation to their child. Neither style of parenting is adequate in and of itself. Taken together, they balance each other out and equip the up-and-coming generation with a healthy, well-rounded approach to life.
Our tradition and ancestors have built lot of values between father-child relationship contributing to the health of child’s development and family. Researches have proven that a positive relationship between the father and child goes a long way in the child's health. 82% of studies on father involvement and child well-being published since 1980 found “significant associations between positive father involvement and offspring well-being" a quote from Paternal Involvement and Children’s Behavior Problems,” from the Journal of Marriage and the Family 61 (1999): 375-384.
-Dr. Gopalakrishna Hebbar, Wellbeeing, Director
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