The Science of Imbalances! ‘Science of life’ is explained very well in Ayurveda. It’s very fascinating to know about this science, which deals with the way of life and life style. It’s main aim is to lead a healthy and happy life. It believes in maintenance of health and prevention of diseases. Thus maintaining harmony in the health and environment, and achieving overall well-being of an individual is the overall objective of this ancient science. All of us know that any variation in the food or place or life style from our routine, we often feel a difference in our health like say, a mild stomach discomfort or change in bowel movement or sore throat etc. We have also observed that we come over the disturbances that tend to happen by simple life style changes or adoption of specific food and regimens. The remedy is often within nature that can influence the body composition a bit for chemical changes within. We just need to be present to these or be aware of basics of our body....